If you’re designing a new office or need to retro-fit an old one, consider how to use glass in your new space. Window films can be used to block solar glare, to enhance aesthetics, and even for increased security, while window treatments can add that final touch. When...
Looking to design a new office space or update an existing one? Decorative window films are a cost effective way to create inviting interiors, to allow separation within an open plan, to enhance privacy without sacrificing natural light, or to promote your brand in a...
Summer is coming, and together with backyard cookouts, the lazy drone of lawnmowers, and baseball comes the inexorable march of the summer sun. Hotter and longer days translate into more time with your home or office baking in the sun, with all its attendant damage to...
If you have kids and they’ve ever left crayons in the back seat of the car on a hot summer’s day, you have had an involuntary crash course on the power of the sun. Yet even without adding a substance with such a low melting point as a crayon to the mix,...
Have you ever been to a high-security military or intelligence office building? Typically, they don’t have any windows, and there is a good reason for this — they do not want to be susceptible to prying eyes from the outside. In today’s corporate...
Are the following situations all too familiar to you in your office setting? During the morning meeting half of the room can’t see because the sun is creating a glare on their computer screens. At lunchtime the board room presentation is interrupted as you...