If you’ve ever listened to the radio, and have heard the sound become distorted, then you’ve likely just experienced electromagnetic interference, or EMI. Also sometimes referred to as radio frequency interference (RFI), this occurs when one electromagnetic field interferes with another, which, or basically radio frequency congestion.
Another problem that is becoming increasing more common is the EMI experienced with Wi-Fi. If you’ve ever had a weak Wi-Fi signal around your home, chances are one of the first steps in your troubleshooting was to move your device closer to the router or relocating the router altogether. Reducing the distance between your router and device reduces the chance for it to encounter EMI from your other electronics such as microwaves, Bluetooth connections, and even your neighbor’s wireless devices.
Now scale this issue into the commercial space, and especially urban environments. One cannot go up a few floors and look out of the windows in a major city without staring at broadcast antenna mounted to the tops and sides of nearly every building. While this indicates the wireless provider’s proactive approach to ensuring service, the levels of RF energy being generated are now interfering with in-building control systems, smart devices, cell service, and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth. As our world becomes more connected, the risk of RF signal conflict will continue to increase. Outside of eliminating RF communications from our daily lives, more and more property owners and their occupants are looking to separate their workspaces from that busy RF space on the outside.
There are various means and methods to isolate or separate one space from another, depending on site-specific conditions, but there are some that can provide immediate benefit in a short amount of time. RF shielding films can be implemented onto existing windows to plug this ‘hole-in-the bucket’, and significantly shield or attenuate those unwanted signals. Thus, creating a more RF-predictable environment for your equipment, systems, and people.
The professionals at Signals Defense can help you and your office determine where and how RFI is causing network issues for your employees.