Safety window film – Glass Fragmentation / Spall Control Window films
Beyond professional security systems, there are other innovative ways to safeguard your business or property. Many commercial and government entities are now using window films to help secure these crucial access points. These films offer a range of benefits, from IR and RF shielding to help prevent electronic eavesdropping, safety films for added physical security, decorative films for privacy, and solar films that reduce UV glare, creating a more comfortable and productive indoor atmosphere.
In this blog, we’re shining a spotlight on glass fragmentation and spall control films, which are rapidly gaining popularity among businesses and property owners. While these films aren’t bulletproof, however, they offer a level of security that traditional windows or other films just can’t compete with. Join us as we delve into how blast film works, uncover its key advantages, and discover some of its most effective applications.
How Safety Window Films Work
As the name implies, glass fragmentation and spall control safety film work by preventing glass from shattering upon impact. To be clear, these films aren’t bulletproof and won’t necessarily mean that the windowpane they’re installed on won’t break when it sustains a certain degree of impact. But these films can help prevent glass from shattering and spraying shards in an area, which could result in more bodily harm and injuries to anyone within the vicinity.
Safety films are typically made of laminated polyester and designed to meet leading industry standards. Additionally, blast and ballistics glass laminates from Signals Defense meet all UL752 and NIJ ratings and can adequately prevent glass from shattering upon various impacts, including extreme force and multiple projectiles.
Key Benefits and Applications
The biggest benefit you can realize when applying glass fragmentation and spall control films is enhanced safety at various points of vulnerability. These films are purpose-built to help prevent glass from shattering upon impact, which reduces injury and the potential for injury in and around the area. Additionally, these films can also help reduce damage upon impact and, in the event of a forced entry, potentially even stall wrongdoers for long enough that they flee the scene.
Another big benefit of glass fragmentation and spall control films is that they’re a much more decorative option than some of the other commonly used security strategies to prevent intrusion and protect windows, like metal screens. Finally, some glass fragmentation and spall control films also offer various other benefits, such as solar control and RF/IR signal blocking.
Like other types of window films, glass fragmentation and spall control window films are easy to apply and remove. They also offer unobstructed views out of the windows they’re installed on. And they can be cut to custom sizes to fit even the most uniquely shaped windows on a property.
Applications of Safety Film
Glass fragmentation and spall control film can be installed on virtually any window, but it should go without saying that it’s better suited for higher-risk environments or points of vulnerability within properties. Some common applications include first-floor commercial buildings, military complexes, government buildings, law enforcement buildings, schools and universities.
While those are examples of some of the common applications, these films can really be installed anywhere there’s a desire – regardless of the type of property.
Contact Signals Defense Today
For more information on glass fragmentation and spall control film, contact Signals Defense today. As a leading provider of window films to help protect your property from all different types of situations, we’ll explain to you what blast film can – and cannot – do. Contact us today for more information on our blast safety films and to learn more about the other types of window films and safety products that we offer.
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