When most people think of office security, door locks, and advanced physical systems come to mind. But there’s likely another threat lurking outside of your building – and if your facility doesn’t have the proper protective measures in place, your firm’s confidential data and electronic information could be compromised if rf/ir shielding is not part of your comprehensive security plan.

Phones, computers, voice recorders, Bluetooth devices, and other office products emit electronic signals – and these signals often span beyond an office’s walls and are detected from outside, making it convenient for others to eavesdrop on or steal these signals. As a result, systems may be hacked, and confidential and sensitive data compromised. And it’s likely that these signals are leaking through unsecured glass windows, underscoring the need to properly protect these parts of the building.

The number one reason your business should invest in RF/IR window film is to safeguard your firm’s data. But as we’ll cover in this post, there are benefits to window films that extend beyond data security. Here’s a closer look at how investing in IR protection and RF shielding can enhance your company’s overall security:

How RF/IR Films Help Secure Your Facility

As we said, the No. 1 reason to invest in RF window film is to enhance your building’s digital security. Window films help mitigate eavesdropping and electronic data theft by preventing RF signals from extending beyond your building. The best window films exceed the RF attenuation standards set by the U.S. Department of Defense and can be confidently used on exterior-facing windows or in SCIFs, or sensitive compartmented information facilities.

Here’s a look at some other ways RF/IR films secure a facility:


Electromagnetic interference, or EMI, typically occurs when an outside source creates unwanted noise or interference. Hackers can use EMI to infiltrate data centers and systems to disrupt a business or swipe sensitive information. RF/IR films are designed to protect against EMI, specifically mobile communications technologies.


Unlike physical security systems that must be programmed or activated to work properly, RF/IR window films are always working and always “on.” Just think of them as a security feature that’s working 24/7 to protect your firm’s data. What’s more, they’re easy to install and also come in decorative styles to match any office design.


RF/IR window films can have physical security benefits as well. Many types of window films are tested to withstand impact from forced entry by helping reinforce the strength of the glass and offering spall control, which helps prevent debris and broken glass from dangerously scattering everywhere in the event it breaks. These features can help minimize damage, enhance safety and even act as an inhibitor to forced entry.


A final benefit of RF/IR window films is reduced utility costs. Solar control window films can help reduce heat gains during the summer and heat loss during the winter, helping a company save up to 15 percent on its heating and cooling costs. Additionally, these films can reduce glare from the sun and offer UV protection for furnishings and other office accessories that could become sun-damaged over time.

RF/IR window films from Signals Defense are designed to be quickly secured by applying retrofit applications to the interior pane of any facility’s windows. While they can be used in conjunction with other RF shielding technologies, window films are designed to offer immediate IR protection and improved RF attenuation.

Are you ready to start safeguarding your data, contact Signals Defense today.