Electronics such as cell phones, WiFi networks, recorders and computers emit RF (radio frequency) signals, a form of electromagnetic radiation. Having a plan in place to safeguard your business, property or entity from data theft and electronic eavesdropping is important to a complete security plan. But IR (infrared) rays are something that properties must also account for.
Similar to devices that emit RF signals, there are several devices and equipment that also emit IR signals. These include remote controls, cameras, headsets, printers and even certain types of lighting systems, heating devices, thermometers and sensors. IR signals must also be accounted for in a property’s security plan, as these signals are also able to be intercepted and systems are susceptible to infiltration.
The good news is that many of the same solutions that can help mitigate RF signals are also able to mitigate IR signals. Learn more about how to mitigate IR signals and the types of RF/IR Window Film that can get the job done in the next section.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
If you don’t take the proper measures to mitigate IR signals, these everyday devices could become a corporate vulnerability – potentially leading to data theft, stealing of confidential information or intellectual property, and more. This may lead to public distrust and significant reputational harm.
However, there are many practical solutions that properties can take to effectively mitigate IR signals. One of them is installing window film on external-facing windows, key areas where RF and IR signals “escape” from properties. Many window films, such as those from Signals Defense, also offer a one-two punch, mitigating both RF and IR signals. What’s more is that Signals Defense shielding films are purpose-built to meet the most stringent U.S. intelligence community standards and meet TEMPEST requirements per the U.S. intelligence community directives.
While many of Signals Defense’s window films offer high IR and RF attenuation, the highest attenuating film is SD2500/2510, which boasts infrared ray transmission of less than 1 percent. The SD2500 is a .002-mil thick film, while the SD2510 is .010 mils thick and includes a safety film layer for glass fragmentation control and blast protection for more at-risk properties. Signals Defense films are optically clear and professionally installed on existing glass or laminated within glass or polycarbonate.
Other IR and RF attenuating films include the SD500 and SD1000, SD1010.
Signals Defense RF and IR film also offer various value-added benefits aside from efficient shielding. As mentioned, some films offer glass fragmentation control and blast protection, which can be helpful for at-risk properties or lower-level window locations. Many films also help reduce UV and solar emissions to make properties more comfortable and help reduce heating and cooling costs. Some films even offer night vision/infrared protection.
For more information on Signals Defense window films and other solutions for RF and IR mitigation, contact us today.
Solutions for Infrared Shielding
So just how can you make sure that your IR devices don’t become a company vulnerability? The good news is that certain window films can offer IR shielding. In fact, in some cases, high-quality RF window films can effectively offer not just RF, but IR protection too. Much like how hackers can potentially listen in on WiFi networks and other RF devices, they can do the same with those that transmit data via IR. Because of this, it’s important for businesses to take RF security just as seriously as they take IR security.
Many RF window films can greatly minimize both potential threats. Beyond this, most of the RF films available today are clear, can help provide some blast protection and are conveniently installed. An added benefit is that most RF films don’t just block RF and IR signals, but ultraviolet light as well. This helps protect the office from potential sun damage that could be experienced. Bottom line: If you’re considering an RF film to take care of your IR security needs as well, just take the time to double check that it can serve both purposes. Many – but not all – do. RF gets most of the attention when it comes to safeguarding your business from outside threats. But at the same time, you shouldn’t be overlooking the importance of ensuring that any IR signals aren’t potentially reaching people with ill intentions. The right window films can help.
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